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Profile for every need

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Integrate profiles with more than Workflow tools available in the system

Whatever your setup is, you can rely on our universal compatibility for stable and reliable connections.

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Why 10.000+ clients choose ATFC

Benefits you can bank on

Quick and easy setup

Do you have 60 seconds? That’s all it takes to get your proxy servers up and running.

Next step: Customize your dashboard to make management a breeze. Then integrate our IPs with your software, scrapers, and browsers for a hassle-free experience and zero downtime.

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Value that keeps giving

Get what you pay for and more. We continuously expand our number of Profiles, monitor performance 24/7, and add new features as well as higher speeds—you don’t have to pay extra

Built for your success

Your experience is very important. Our powerful multi-platform Profile provisioning system ensures the most reliable, consistent connections and uninterrupted access to all the online resources you need.

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How companies use our Profile

Frequently asked questions

E-commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and services online, as well as transmitting funds or data. For a lot of people, this is primarily done through third-party marketplaces and platforms like Amazon, eBay, or Facebook, or by sending leads to their own websites that are either powered by plugins like WooCommerce or housed on platforms like Shopify.

There are virtually no limits to the types of markets that an e-commerce company could target; some will focus on particular niches and try to dominate those markets, while others may target various niches in various markets, or, more frequently, a combination of the both.

E-commerce allows customers to shop from the comfort of their homes, and merchants to reach a broader audience than they could with a physical store. The products sold in e-commerce can range from physical goods like clothing and electronics, to digital products like software and ebooks.

Dropshipping, on the other hand, is a type of e-commerce business model that allows merchants to sell products without having to hold inventory. Instead, the merchant purchases products from a supplier who then ships them directly to the customer. This eliminates the need for the merchant to store inventory or handle shipping logistics. Dropshipping has become a popular business model in recent years due to its low startup costs and the flexibility it offers merchants.

The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in a surge in the online retail industry, providing numerous opportunities for many individuals while also intensifying competition in the market.

For this reason, many sellers believe that the key to succeeding in e-commerce is to expand their revenue streams by setting up multiple online storefronts.

This approach offers you more opportunities to promote your merchandise to customers and target different markets with unique branding. Additionally, it enables you to broaden the scope of your products without jeopardizing your brand; you don’t have to try to integrate new products from unrelated industries into a single brand.

Running an ecommerce business can be a lucrative venture, but it also comes with its own set of risks. Just like any other business, ecommerce businesses are vulnerable to various risks such as cyber threats, data breaches, payment fraud, and supply chain disruptions. If you run multiple storefronts, as stated above, to increase revenues, this puts you at risk of having your merchant accounts banned by platforms like eBay, Facebook, and Amazon. They will be flagged as suspicious and suspended immediately if they are found to be coming from the same user. Something as straightforward as a mismatch in geographic location or an exaggerated account history can trigger that detection.

So how can account bans be stopped? The best defense is to use a tool like ATFC, which gives you access to hundreds of completely independent virtual browser profiles. Rather than preventing them from reading your “fingerprint,” which is an immediate indicator of suspicious behavior, this method allows platforms read your native fingerprints, as if they were real merchants.


You can create hundreds of virtual browser profiles on a single device, with unique and native fingerprints configured in each profile, so that every account appears to be a genuine and seperate device.

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Any routine task can be automated in ATFC through a selection of Local API and RPA robot. You can also quickly create and change your accounts in bulk, saving time on repeting the same opeartions.


It’s easy to control permissions and share profiles to collaborate effectively despite of the size of the team.


Not only the data itself is encrypted, but also its transmission and the servers. No one can read your data except for yourself.


Enjoy live chat with our expert support in English, Russian, Chinese, and Vietnamese. We prepare detailed tutorials in the Help Center for you to quickly understand and get started with ATFC.

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